Book cover

Newspapering with Norman Webster

I’m delighted to have helped to make this book happen by compiling and archiving journalist Norman Webster’s works. He embodied “old-style reporting” in the best sense of the phrase: intelligence without pretension; clarity and readability without oversimplification; a dash of fun without sensationalism; original first-hand reporting; true balance and fairness; unswerving loyalty to the facts; nuanced and highly informed opinion; and above all, public service.

As journalism adapts to the digital age, I hope we can find ways to stay true to these news values. An inspiring read for any journalist, as well as anyone interested in recent Canadian history. Available for pre-order.

Book-jacket description: In this collection of articles, Norman Webster takes readers on a journey through his 50 years of newspapering – in Canada, China in the early 1970s, the UK of Maggie Thatcher, and around the world. Webster, a distinguished international journalist, worked at a time when you couldn”t rely on Google for your basic facts. You had to go there, look, ask questions. As a renowned editor, Webster writes about some of the big issues in Canada, such as the Quebec Neverendum, the sovereignty debate that consumed the province and the country for three decades. Unlike so many political players in the world today, he is thoughtful and measured in his analysis. His book is entertaining and inspiring for readers of politics, and for journalists looking for award-winning examples of international reporting and editorial columns.