About Me

Hi! I’m a Canadian content writer, journalist and editor with graduate-level training and over a decade of full-time experience.

I believe that nearly every topic is understandable and interesting under the right lens. Some stories practically tell themselves, which is always a pleasure, but I’ll gladly take on the challenge of turning something complex or seemingly dry into a stylish and accessible read.

My clients have included Reader’s Digest, McGill University, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Hakai, Concordia University, Hewlett-Packard, The Civicist, Ubisoft, the International Labour Organization, Broadview magazine, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Trans Canada Trail, Best Health magazine, TANK, Edelman, Kids Brain Health Network and the Ontario Blue Cross.

I believe in lifelong learning, and my broad interests include medical science, musicology and communications theory. Besides a journalism graduate diploma from Concordia University in Montreal, I also have a Bachelor of Arts in World Religions from the University of Ottawa and a Master of Arts in Medieval Literature from the University of Iceland in Reykjavík.

I’m got my start as a fact-checker and never lost sight of the importance of getting as close as humanly possible to accuracy.

I speak French and am happy to communicate with clients or conduct research and interviews in my second language. When it comes to writing and editing, I stick to my native tongue, English, in order to maintain my high standards of quality.

Otherwise, I sing and play musical instruments for fun, grow vegetables and watch my toddler discover life as a human. I live in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, meaning that even though I see cows whenever I go on a run, I can drive into Montreal for meetings or interviews when needed.

Please feel free to explore some of my clippings, read about my services or get in touch!

Photo by Nicolas Turgeon-Morin.